A sure fire way to steadily watch your Reliability of equipment reduce, is to allow maintenance to be performed to a sub-standard quality in an effort to meet production expectations. By saying sub-standard I am referring to the practices of;
- taking shortcuts
- not completing work to specifications
- doing enough to "keep it running"
- utilising a band-aid measure as a long term fix
Allowing this culture to foster in any maintenance department contradicts the principles of RE and will not allow any department to reach world class operations.
The proven practice that will facilitate world class operations is to "wear the pain now to avoid catastrophe later". Now this doesn't mean the minute a breakdown occurs you must complete the required maintenance in full, this is unrealistic in most cases. What it does mean though, is not to let a band-aid repair be the only maintenance completed and the defect or failure is forgotten about.
As an example I am going to pick on structural repairs on mobile and field equipment. Without thorough and tightly managed maintenance on structural defects in a timely manner, what you poorly repair today will potentially lead to a catastrophic failure and an exponentially larger amount of equipment downtime in the future. Follow repair specifications, use experienced and competent tradespeople, ensure to find the root cause of the issue. These are elements that promotes reliable structural repairs and these elements should be applied to any quality maintenance task.
Maintenance departments cannot afford to complete sub-standard maintenance in resource industries where every dollar counts. Reliability Engineers must influence the department and foster a Reliability centred culture to ensure informed decisions are made at all levels. Maintenance mangement cannot allow production pressures to completely govern the maintenance of equipment.
Without the Reliability culture driving decisions, you commit your KPIs to downward trends for the future. Instead, wear the pain in the here and now, band-aid if you must and correctly complete the work at the next planned maintenance time. Accept short periods of downtime now, utilise the principles of RE to prevent a reoccurance of the downtime and only then can the maintenance team reap sustainable benefits in the future.
If you have examples or ideas of managing short term downtimes to avoid catastrophic failures, please feel free to comment or email us to discuss.